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Spain - one of the most beautiful and fascinating countries in Europe with the mysterious and fascinating history.

Spain is one of the largest countries in the EEA. Located in most of the state Pirineyskogo Peninsula. It has a population of 39.5 million people. Basically it is the Spanish (75%), the rest of the population are Catalans, Galicians, Basques. The capital of Spain is Madrid. This is a big city in the heart of Spain. The whole country is divided into 17 autonomous regions, which include the 50 Spanish provinces. In addition to Madrid, there are other equally well-known cities - is Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville.

This is a very old country. The earliest facts known to historians, takes us back to ancient times, when the peninsula Pirineyskom Iberians lived. In a 5-3 centuries BC Spanish territory inhabited by the Celts. With the end of the first century, this area was a province of the Roman Empire. Starting from the beginning of our era on the ruins of the Roman Empire emerged the state Visigoths. Then the Arabs came, they conquered the whole of Spain (711-718gg) and created a number of states. It was an era of stability. During the Reconquista (718-1492) emerged the Spanish kingdom of Aragon, Castile, and many others.

Since the dynastic union of Castile and Aragon in 1479 Spain - one state.

And in the early 16th century the Spanish colonial empire. But in the early 18th century, the struggle for European dynasties Spanish throne, which led to the war. In 1923 was established the military-monarchist dictatorship.

The monarchy was overthrown by April 14, 1931. This marked the beginning of the Spanish Revolution (1931-1939), during which the Popular Front was created (January 1936). The outcome of the Civil War was the establishment of the dictatorship of General Franco, Spain was proclaimed a kingdom (1947). However, the throne was occupied by anyone. It was only after Franco's death in November 1975, King Juan Carlos was proclaimed.

Now Spain - is a modern European state. Currency - the euro. The main religion - Catholicism. Main (official) language - Spanish. Key vneshtorgovye partners: the EEC, USA. And among other things, Spain - it is also one of the most beautiful corners of our planet, the largest area of ​​international tourism (about 50 mllionov people per year). Picturesque mountains, warm sea and sociable Spaniards - the key tourist attraction of the country. Spain is rich in its cultural tradition and is considered an open air museum. Spain - the birthplace of Cervantes and Lorca, Salvador Dali, Picasso and goyim. On this site you will learn a lot about this amazing and mysterious country.

Valladolid, the capital of Spain in the XVI-XVII centuries., A large industrial city, is on the bank of the river Pisuerga. F / A and bus station in the southern part of the city. Old quarters with preserved wonderful Renaissance and Baroque architectural patterns, occupy the eastern shore. The main street of the city, street. Santiago leads to the square. Major, to the east of which is the cathedral, to the north - the major museums and churches. The city has many monuments, worth your attention. Walk in Valladolid, you can start with walking the streets of Santiago, one of the main streets of the old city, it will lead to melting. Mayor, surrounded by buildings with arcades. On the facade of the City Hall area goes next to the large market of Val, and a little east - one of the main attractions of Valladolid Cathedral. Its construction began in 1582 on the site of the Romanesque church of the court architect. X. de Herrera. The huge building is still not completed. Inside is a museum, you can also admire the great baroque altar.

Next to the cathedral is pl. Universidad - there is a building of the University (XV) with a grandiose Baroque façade. Sculptors brothers Tom graced the wall of the building symbols and allegories of the various sciences and arts. In the center stands a monument to Cervantes - the writer spent in Valladolid last years of his life. Opposite the eastern facade of the University there is another school of Santa Cruz. The school is one of the first constructions of Spanish Renaissance, its portal is decorated with stone carvings. You can see the school courtyard and chapel. On the other, northern, side of the cathedral is a Gothic church of Santa Maria la Antigua (XIV), from which the street. Angustyas leading to the royal palace Pimentel, which was born in 1527, Philip II. Now it works the Province of Valladolid. You can go to the building's lobby and admire the frescoes depicting various events in the life of the king. In a nearby building, a former school in San Gregorio, opened the National Museum of Sculpture. Interest is how the building, decorated with Gothic stone carvings, and rich collection of religious wooden sculptures, placed in it. On the opposite side of the street. San Gregorio is the Gothic church of San Pablo with a beautiful carved portal, where you can see a variety of heraldic symbols.

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